The school of Technology and Engineering has excellent Laboratories with latest, equipment and instruments in various departments to carry out research and innovation.
The school strongly supports research activities and publication. Both faculty members and students are engaged in research and publications.
Specially school focuses on promoting research among undergraduate students.

CENTRE of EXCELLENCE in Robotics and Automation

Equipped with 6 axis advanced Robot programmable with RoS, C++, Python and MATLAB. For experimentation high end DSOs, Logic Analyzer, CAN and other serial protocol analysers are available for time, frequency domain analysis.
The lab has many international professors associated as Scientists, Adjunct Professors to guide the students in research, design and innovation.
To name a few

Prof. Celestine Iwendy
University of Bolton UK

Prof. Tan Chee Pin
Mechatronics Engg.
Monash University, Australia

Prof. M A Kamal
Gunma University, Japan

Skill Development and Welding Excellence Centre (In collaboration with INOX CVA)

State of Art Laboratories.

Mechanical Measurement and Metrology Lab
Fluid Power Engineering Lab
Oil Hydraulics and Pneumatics Lab
Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab
Fluid Flow Operations Lab

(ii) Collaborations:

The school has MoUs and Collaborations with reputed industries, universities and departments.
  • MoU with L&T VHEW Hazira, Surat to train and provide the PG Diploma in Design of Process Equipment to L&T Engineers.

  • MoU with INOXCVA for development and running of “Skill Development and Welding Excellence Centre”

  • MoU with KYB CONMAT for creating a knowledge sharing environment.
  • MoU with Raychem RPG to train their employees and help the employees to earn the Diploma Certification.

  • MoU with IISC Bangalore for student exchange programs
  • MoU with SIRG, Eygpt for student exchange programs
  • MoU with Mechatronics Department, Don State University, Russia for student exchange programs
  • MoU with Department of AI, Data Science at Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for student exchange programs

(iii) achievements of the school

  • Around 151 Research Articles published by Faculty members in International Journals / Conferences.
  • Students under Faculty guidance have around 81 Research papers in National / International Journal and Conferences.
  • 06 Books have been Authored by Faculty members and 01 Book Published by Student under Faculty’s guidance in Reputed Publication Houses
  • Total of 09 patents filed from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, 08 of them are granted.
  • Two faculties visited Green Tech. & Renewable Energy Lab, University of Malaya, Malaysia under Faculty Exchange Program.
  • Dr. Naval V. Koralkar and Dr. Raj Kumar are Honorary Adjunct Scientist and Fellow of SIRG, Egypt
  • The school has developed several robots and Electric Vehicles in Past Years

Industrial Visit at Baroda Extrusion Ltd. (B. Tech Engineering Students)
Industrial Visit at Bansal Roofing Products Limited (B. Tech Engineering Students)
Industrial Visit at Tiwari engineering works (Diploma Engineering Students)
Sports Events
Seminar & Conferences
Industrial Visits

Students notable Internship and Projects-

The school of Technology and Engineering strongly emphasizes on national and international exposure and internships.

The school has strong link with international professors, universities and research labs. Students can opt for online or offline or both internships to carry out research on emerging technologies.

Students can also visit and work in laboratories of international universities.

Students have recently visited for research and training to

Students of SOTE at Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
Students of SOTE at Industrial University, Vietnam
List of Companies where students are doing internship


Schaeffler Ltd.
Jeep India Ltd.
Anjani industrial engineering
Siddharth Industries
Apollo tyres
Patel Design
Raychem RPG
Siddharat Industries
Krutik engineering
Shravya precision components
Adarsh Industries
Shah Fabricators and Engineers
Shree Ram Engineering
Delta enterprises
Drasthi forging and casting
Raychem RPG Pvt. Ltd.
Asian Paints Pvt Ltd.
Flowserve India control Pvt. Ltd.
Saraswati rubber
New SK Engineering Works
Integra Engineering India Limited
Aadarsh Industries
Encontrols smart technology
Sharp Petrochem
hyundai service station
Maruti Suzuki
CAD Course- Gandhinagar- IACE
Bajaj Auto
Banco India Pvt. Ltd.
Hyundai India Ltd.


Electric GO-Kart
Electric Mini Scooter
Electric Scooter
Single Wheel Drive Vehicle
3 Wheel Electric Drift Bike
Single Seater E- Car
Wire Defect Detecting Machine
Solar Plate Dust Cleaner
Drift Cycle
Electric Bike
Board Cleaner
Automated Guided Vehicle(AGV)
Smart E Bike
Thermo Electric Cooler
Campus Mobility 3 Wheel Cycle

  • Smart Classrooms with well-equipped projector facilities
  • Basic and Digital Electronics lab.
  • Well-equipped workshop with all trades of mechanical engineering like Fitting, Welding, Carpentry, Forging, Tin Smithy, Machining Processes etc.
  • Drawing hall for Engineering Graphics.
  • Elements of Mechanical Engineering Lab with all basic models.
  • Robotics & Automation lab
  • Material Science & Metallurgy and Mechanical Measurement & Metrology Lab with Various measuring devices.
  • Embedded system lab having MSP 430 Micro controller.
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory with all required experimental set ups like Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems, Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System, Ice Plant, Air Conditioning Tutors, Water Cooler Test Rig, etc.
  • Computer Aided Design lab with latest software like AutoCAD, Pro-E, MAT lab etc.
  • Fluid Power lab with pumps & turbines giving practical hands on experience.
  • Heat and Mass Transfer lab having equipment’s to study Conduction, Convection and Radiation.
  • Theory of Machines lab with experimental setups of governor, gyroscope and equipment to learn various kinds of mechanisms.
  • Oil Hydraulics and Pneumatics lab.
  • PLC lab
