Recognition and Approvals


ITM SLS Baroda University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India is a well-reputed State Private University established in 2019 under Gujarat Private Universities (Second Amendment) Act 2019 and recognized by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi under the section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956. Samata Lok Sansthan (SLS) Trust, the main sponsoring body of the University, has been in the field of providing quality higher education for last 20 years in India. In Gujarat, through various colleges and academic institutions, it has been engaged in delivering higher education in the areas of engineering, architecture, pharmacy, management, etc., for more than 10 years. These colleges and institutions have now come under the fold of ITM SLS Baroda University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, after the notification by the Government of Gujarat and recognition by University Grants Commission, New Delhi.

1. ITM SLS Baroda University Is recognized by GUJARAT ACT NO.20 OF 2019 In India at a state Private University.
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2. ITM SLS Baroda University Is Recognized by University Grants Commission, New Delhi u/s 2(f) of UGC Act 1956.
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The Pharmacy education and profession in India upto graduate level is regulated by the PCI, a statutory body governed by the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 passed by the Parliament.

Gujarat State Council for Physiotherapy

Gujarat State Council for Physiotherapy is established to guide, develop and sustain through resource allocation, good governance and management, dedicated to the maintenance of standards and quality of academic study programmes and practice of Indian System of Physiotherapy to national as well as global needs.


As a regulatory body for Nursing and Midwifery, the Gujarat Nursing Council is the vanguard for quality Nursing Education by ensuring that Nursing and Midwifery personnel are competently educated and trained to deliver Professional Health Care.

  1. Approval :-  View Document