Step 1: Visit Apply Online link in Admissions menu on our website.
Step 2: Register yourself. Enter your details and choose the programme in which you seek admission. You will get a username and password on your mobile and email.
Step 3: Login to the same portal now using the username and password received by you.
Step 4: Update your profile and upload requisite documents. (Even without completing this process a student can deposit the fee by clicking on pay fee option. Admission section will contact her/him later with a request to fill the requisite details and uploading of documents.)
Step 5: Select which fee you want to pay. Three options are available on the update profile page:
a) Pay application fee – Rs. 2000/-
b) Pay partial tuition fee – Rs. 10000/- *
c) Pay full semester fee – Rs..(as applicable – will automatically reflect, based your choice)*
* will get provisional admission –
– subject to fulfillment of eligibility and
– verification of documents.
– In case b), additional condition is, subject to payment of semester fee.
Step 6: Pay fee. Click checkout radio button given at the end of the page. It will take you to the payment portal. Fill requisite details and pay fee. There are many options to pay fee. A few of them charge additional portal fee and others don’t. If payment is made via UPI no additional payment needs to be made.
Step 7: Provisional Admission – You will receive a letter confirming your provisional admission.
Step 8: Verification of documents – You will be called at a designated place and time for verification of documents via mail, call and message.
Step 9: Confirmation – After verification of documents, you will receive a final admission letter